Support Framasoft

Support Framasoft

Because freedom doesn’t mean it’s free…

Framasoft is a not-for-profit which can only keep running thanks to your donations. Do you like what we do? Do you think we’re going in the right direction? If so, and you’re able to make a donation, we’d very much appreciate it!

1. Give to Framasoft

2. Complete your information

I represent

In France, thanks to the tax deduction of 66%, your donation of €10 will cost you only €3.

3. Make the payment


  • Recurring donations can be stopped anytime, just ask us.
  • If you want to modify your recurring donation, please contact us, we will stop the current one and you will be able to make a new one.
  • Tax receipts (in France only) are sent by postal mail in March/April 2025 (before tax declaration) for 2024 donations
  • Financial and activity reports can be found on the not-for-profit page
  • If you have more questions, you may find answers there

Why support Framasoft?

Thanks to your money…

Share in person
Your donations allow us to participate in nearly one hundred events each year. We bring physical tools (Metacards, guides [Résolu], Framabooks, Flyers) to better approach the digital world.

Promoting popular education
Framasoft is committed to popularizing digital emancipation towards the by contributing to concrete tools made by and for a greater number of people, by contributing to concrete tools made by and for people involved in popular education. [1], [2], [3]

Consolidate what serves you
The directory Framalibre, the publishing house Framabook, the Framablog, the De-google-ify Internet services, the actions of Contributopia... exist only thanks to your support. Bring them to life!

Contribute to other communities
We want to put our tools at the service of people who work for a contribution company. Framasoft navigates in an archipelago of communities with similar values, and contributes to common actions in exchange and mutual aid.

Maintain the technical tools
Framasoft is about fifty open source sites and services, deployed on about thirty servers. Our members ensure the maintenance, the support, the animation and the update. Your donations ensure that it is free of charge for everyone.

Drawing a new digital horizon
The MOOC CHATONS, PeerTube, Mobilizon… Thanks to your donations, we design and produce user-friendly digital tools, that emancipate themselves from the laws of the economy of attention to better respect what connects us.

Framasoft in 2023

Key metrics

  • 20 years of existence
  • 39 members and 11 employees
  • 34 projects (16 ethical online services)
  • 700 contributors
  • 12,302 patrons
  • 4,700,000 visits per month
  • 1,301 free resources in our directory
  • 2,796  blog posts
  • 75 events each year to talk and reach different audiences

SourcesMore infos

Find our where your money goes

Your donations ensure our independence (96% of our income in 2023).

Because creating and maintaining ethical digital tools requires time and human talent, the bulk of our time and talent is spent on the budget is used to compensate (as fairly and equitably as possible) our employees and service providers.

Each year, our accounts are audited and validated by a statutory auditor. independent accounts (we publish reports on this page).

  • Employees: 70%
  • Servers and domains: 6.5%
  • Operating expanses: 6%
  • Events and meetings: 8%
  • Communication: 1.5%
  • Project providers: 4%
  • Banking fees and taxes: 4%

(data updated the 6/1/2024)

Questions and contact

General questions

I want to learn more about Framasoft.

Framasoft has contributed to so many actions since the creation of the collective in 2002 (and of the French not-for-profit association in 2004) that it’s complicated to be both exhaustive and succinct! You can however consult:

Can I become a member of the Framasoft association?

No: Framasoft is an association by cooptation.

Indeed, we believe that it is not necessary to be a member of Framasoft. to come and contribute to our actions. Anyone can come and lend us hand on most of our projects (a good way to begin maybe to introduce yourself on the Framacolibris forum, and we are learning how to welcome volunteers (we still have a long way to go, please be patient with us!).

The cooption of members allows us to create a solid core of people to maintain the legal structure (the association according to the 1901 act, French law) which allows all our actions to exist, while making sure that we share values, methods (and a certain taste for self-derision).

Those who want to support us without volunteering can simply make a donation.

I can’t make a monthly donation, but I still wish to support Framasoft, what can I do?

Thank you for your kindness and your commitment.

First of all, please know that you can make a one-time donation. directly from the page

Framasoft is looking for volunteers. No matter how much available time you have and whatever your skills are, you can probably help. Let’s talk about it in the Framacolibris forum!

Finally, a great way to support us is by simply promoting our values and tools to others, and share what we do all around you.

Would Framasoft be interested in an influencer partnership? An exchange of links? A product placement or publi information?

Let’s be crytal clear: NO.

We believe that the values of popular education, knowledge and information commons and digital hygiene that we defend every day are incompatible with the advertising industry.

We see no interest in posting and distributing advertised content: we believe that our Internets, our attentions, our collective brains (yours and ours) are worth better than that.

Questions about your donation

I have made a donation, but I do not yet have a receipt to benefit from the tax deduction.

It’s OK: we send all donation receipts from one year around March/April of the following year, prior to the period for French tax filing.

However, if you would like to receive it sooner, or if you do not have it by March/April of the year following your donation, we will gladly edit you a copy.

To get one, please contact us through this form.

I made a monthly donation but I made a mistake in the amount I would like to donate. How can I modify it?

First of all, thank you for your generosity.

Technically, we cannot change the amount of a recurring donation for future withdrawals.

However, we can still stop them anytime you want!

To do so, please contact us here. We will then invite you, if you wish, to renew your donation on the next month with the right amount.

Alternative donations: can I make a donation in Bitcoin or via Lilo, Flattr, Tipeee, Benevity etc…?

These kinds of initiatives may be honorable, but for our association… it leads to an excessive accounting workload (numerous entries, checks, etc.) which in fact translates into additional costs (of )employee time and/or accounting expertise).

Our experience lead us to think that the sums that we would get from those kind of donations would not suffice to cover the additional expenses incurred by the extra accounting work.

That’s why we prefer to hold on to the donation system we propose, which has the added advantage of be able to offer a tax deduction (at least to French taxpayers).

I’m currently donating monthly but my credit card has expired, what can I do?

Normally, your recurring donation will be automatically stopped when your card is expired (and/or deactivated).

To update your payment informatons with Framasoft, just fill in the form on the page as if it were your first donation.

Contact us

You can contact us through our contact form.